Giving to enable the future

The Beta Alpha Omega Alumni Chapter has established scholarships which are awarded yearly to Graduating Seniors from area Northern Virginia High Schools.
Scholarship #1
The Command Sergeant Major Karl Roberts Sr. Scholarship
Given in honor of Brother CSM Karl Roberts, Sr., a Life Member of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. Brother Roberts served in the United States Army for over 32 years, having earned the rank of Command Sergeant Major and recieving over 25 medals, including one for the Defense Meritorious Service (Peacetime) and the Bronze Star (Combat). Brother Roberts assisted in the founding of numerous military chapters of iota and he served as the Gulf Coast Regional Polaris, National Sergeant-At-Arms and the Director of Military Affairs. Brother Roberts was dedicated brother until his passing on October 21, 2013 where he joined the great Alpha Iota Omega chapter.

Scholarship #2
The Chief Darryl C. Smith
Given in honor of Bro. Smith’s lifelong legacy of public service, involvement with the community as a youth sports coach, and his academic support for children and immigrants as the co-founder of Herndon’s Vecinos Unidos (Neighbors United). Bro. Smith was a trailblazer in the Town of Herndon when he was hired as the first African American police officer in 1973, and the first African American elected to Town Council in 2004. He later would serve as Herndon’s Vice Mayor from 2004-2006. Bro. Smith served nine years as Chief of Police in Purcellville before retiring in 2015. Bro. Smith was a dedicated brother of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. up until his passing on April 26, 2020, where he joined the great Alpha Iota Omega chapter.

Past Scholarship Award Recipients
Chanan Fore Demery
Potomac Senior High School
Denzel Goodlin
Potomac Senior High School
Chase McGrail
Forest Park Senior High School
Brett Goerl
Patriot Senior High School
Robert Woodcox Jr.
Potomac Senior High School
Jason Adams
Forest Park Senior High School
Kirk Peterson
Freedom Senior High School
Troy Mitchell
Potomac Senior High School
Phillip Jones
Osborne Park High School
Sasan Faraj
Patriot Senior High School
Marcus Gray
Forest Park High School
Eric Sledge
Stonewall Jackson High School
Jevon Wilson
Colonial Forge High School
Kenan Austin
Colonial Forge High School
Sean Caceres
South Lakes High School
Roberto Maldonado III
Patriot Senior High School
Jaden Annan
Herndon High School
Alexander Scott
South Lakes High School
Daniel Ogun
South Lakes High School
Thomas Basta
James Robinson Secondary School